Here’s an idea: get a jump on holiday decorating next year by dumpster-diving for brand new Christmas items headed for the landfills.
Melanie Diaz recovers the magic of the holidays from behind department stories, saving tons of money while helping the environment.
The dumpster diver says she has saved thousands of dollars by retrieving gifts, seasonal toys, wreaths, artificial trees, and ornaments from the trash bins behind Michaels and TJ Maxx.
A resident of Tampa, Florida, she’s spent the past two years dumpster diving in December and January to uncover discarded holiday treasures that would otherwise go to the landfill.
“It is my favorite time going dumpster diving at the end of the year because they start throwing out a lot of Christmas stuff,” said the 22-year-old.
“I love saving everything so I can put it in my house and decorate it for the next year.”
She also visits the dumpsters behind popular retailers like Burlington, Jo-Ann Stores, Pop Shelf, and Home Goods.

Some of her biggest jackpots happen in January, when stores begin clearing out their leftover holiday inventory.
“I went dumpster-diving at the TJ Maxx store, and I found a lot,” Diaz explained. “It was full to the top.”

From ten wreaths salvaged at Michael’s—worth approximately $400—to $500 Christmas trees, Diaz has curated a festive collection.
She’s also retrieved puzzles and dog toys from TJ Maxx, saving around $200, and countless other holiday staples, including advent calendars and stockings.
The abundance was so overwhelming, Diaz had to enlist help. “I even had to bring my family to help me because it was too much,” she recalled.
“I remember we took everything into cars, and the next day we did a garage sale. We also kept most of the stuff. It was incredible.”

Her discoveries also include festive clothing and kitchenware.
And it’s not just about saving money and helping the environment. Diaz enjoys sharing her finds with others: “I love giving stuff to my friends and to my family.”
DID YOU SEE THIS? Best Holiday Light Show in the Sky Wins Guinness World Record With Dazzling 5,000 Drone Christmas Display
With all those benefits in mind, maybe it’s not so hard to get over a little embarrassment.
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Sad that companies actually throw perfectly good items into the trash instead of giving to organizations for needy.